- CANITALIA the largest portal of the Italians Dog Lovers
- DOUBLESSE the website of my forever friend Stefano Scullino
that produces with love and great professionalism Pomeranian and Shih-tzu
- SAMARCANDA Airedale &
Standard Poodles Dog Kennel
of my friends Lorena and Raimondo, fellow of many fantastic journeys
- ATTIMO FUGGENTE Greyhounds & Azawakhs
Dog Kennel of my dear Pio e Giorgio
- MINI VIP, Miniature Pinscher Kennel, of my friend Paolo
- ORIENTE EXPRESS, the most beautiful Pekingeses by Gabriele Alfieri
- INDISCRETO Kennel Yorkshire
Terrier & Maltese, of my friend
Riccardo Fedelfio always close to me with his precious advices
Pomeranians Kennel
- Fosso
Corno Kennel, Sergio Pella and Alberto Vergara's
Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs and Cane Corso
Notting Hill Kennel, Paola Belletti's Boston Terriers and
Xantah Pomeranians
Pomeranian Kennel
- Cavalieri delle Stelle, Equestrian Shows
Il Turkmeno - Central Asia Shepherd